No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. For some reason all the little people in my life have been demanding more attention. We have also come to the realization that six people in 1345 square feet just isn't working. Maybe if we got rid of all the stuff, but that isn't going to work for an artist, kids or a husband with lots of hobbies. Instead we are just going to have to find a bigger house. We have been busy trying to get this place back in shape to sell. All our free time has been dedicated to painting, bathroom repair,yard work and cleaning. My creative time has been severely limited. I thought I would throw up the few projects that I have managed to create the past month or so.

I'm also feeling the calling to do something BIG. I think that has contributed to my feeling a little blocked. About 18" x 24" is the largest I have worked. I don't know if I'm afraid of putting a lot of effort into something and it not working, or if I'm just not sure where to start. I know I need to just pull out the fabric and sit down at the sewing machine. I know it would be good for my soul. So many things that I know in my head. Now I just need to do it!