Sunday, May 4, 2008

Trying to Recover My Sanity

The last couple of weeks have been the type that make me question if I have what it takes to be a good mom, homeschool teacher, and wife, let alone friend, artist or any of my other roles. I've been in a mental funk and the kids have been being kids, no desire to to their school work or think of others. On top of the daily grind, my oldest daughter fainted last week and we took a trip to the emergency room. Now her and her sister have a nasty virus with a high fever. I'm just waiting now for the rest of us to get sick.
On the positive side, I did sign up for Artfiberfest in Port Townsend next October. I am so excited about a three day, four night break just for art. It should be the perfect preparation for the craziness of the holidays and a long winter. My husband is also very willing to send me off to other classes or retreats. The old saying, "if mom's not happy, noboby's happy!" is very real in his mind and he is very anxious to not be reminded of it again.
Through all of this I have been trying to do a little creating to improve my spirits and regain my sanity. These are a few mini, 2"x3" quilts that I have been working on. I'm hoping to paint some frames soon and get these into my etsy soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do sympathise - although my kids are much older (left home) life and families do tend to get in the way of our art!! This latest pieces are stunning as usual - I love your colour combinations. I am having a look at artfiberfest on line - I would so love to be able to come accross from UK but am not sure if this is feasible. Take care of yourself.