Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet Dreams

My latest in my Dreams series: "Sweet Dreams." I love the fabric beads wrapped in wire core yarn and had to continue using them. Quite a number of friends are pregnant, so babies are often the topic of conversation. (Don't worry, I can successfully hold a baby with no desire to have one!) I thought to combine these too to create a fun art piece to celebrate a new baby. I could easily see these sitting on a high shelf in a nursery or hanging on the wall. Just don't let the kids get their hands on them!


susan said...

I really like your Sweet Dreams series! A nursery wall would be very cute! Yes, very high from curious hands! Love your painting of the frames. Looks marbled! Maybe sponging? Looks great!

qwerty said...

Wow, this 'Dreams' series is terrific!! I love both yarn and fabric, so I really love these! :)