Thursday, July 29, 2010

Art-o-mat at the Smithsonian

I'm so excited to learn that Art-o-mat has installed a machine at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Work has the chance of being in another famous museum! I really wish that I could travel as much as these little pieces of art. One of these days I'm going to make it to Washington DC and New York City, one of these days. Maybe we'll need to take a grand road trip around the country in the Airstream. For now I will be content that a piece of me is seeing the world.

Check out the news on the Art-0-mat website:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Have I told you how much I like summer. The sun does me well. I love the warmth, but like a true Pacific Northwestern, I love a cool breeze. I'm a wimp when it comes to hot. I really do try not to complain. I simply hide in the shade and not move or head to the water. These two art quilts, Summer Heat and Summer Reprieve, are my interpretations of summer and I love them both. Give me the heat to warm my soul and a cool breeze on the water as a reprieve.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beautiful Summer Day at the Bluegrass Festival

Saturday was a perfect summer day, sunny and 80 with a gentle breeze. We couldn't ask for better weather. I had fun at the Bluegrass Festival on Bainbridge even though there weren't many shoppers. Everyone who was spending money was there on vacation. I think us locals were used to the heat and chose to just sit and not move. Regardless, it was a wonderful day to be out at the park. I remembered for the first time to bring my camera and take a picture of the booth. Usually I have so many things on my mind and in my hands that I forget the camera. The sun was pretty bright and I couldn't even see what I was focusing on. I'm happy that I now have a record of how I set up the booth so I don't have to think as hard the next time.

I wouldn't exactly say the show was profitable, but at least I more than recovered my costs and had a good time. Sometimes I wonder why I do the shows. I'm sure I'm not attending the most popular shows. This is the first year that I have done it so I really don't know what I'm doing. I don't know which ones have the best traffic, most eager buyers or fit my work the best. Those I have chose have been easy. I didn't have to do a lot of research or travel very far. I'm a little intimidated by a three day show two hours from home. I think I need a little help if I am going to bite the bullet and go for a big show. For now, I'm learning. I'm figuring out what works for my display and what to look for in a show. Any advise would be appreciated. And then I know that I need to update my Etsy shop. I have a lot of new work and different things that I haven't listed. The to do list can get so long and I'm trying to enjoy the summer, my family and friends. Trying to give myself time to figure out what it is I really want and where I want to go. Life is so grand and there are so many options. I really want them all. For now, I will try not to pressure myself, but remember to take baby steps towards my goals.