Does this count as a traditional log cabin quilt block? Maybe from a distance, but the construction methods were anything but traditional.
I free motion quilted my paint clean up rags with
variegated metallic thread. I then cut slightly angled strips and pieced together log cabin blocks. I have no background in traditional quilting, so I was guessing as to how to do the log cabin. I think I might need to get a book on traditional patterns--the old saying of "you need to know the rules so you can break them."

I also made a postcard and
ATC with the scraps. I was questioning my sanity when I was zigzagging together quarter inch wide strips--but they were sitting there not wanting to go in the trash. I named the ATC "X marks the spot."

These are the pieces of quilted that I started with. My husband was surprised at my choice of muted colors until I informed him they were the paint clean up rags.