I'm actually excited about decorating for Christmas this year! All the Christmas directions are packed away in the depths of the storage unit. Instead of trying to unpack everything, I made (or bought) all new. I continued the blue and white from the walls and trim onto the tree. I think this is the first year our tree actually matched the house. We also went with a flocked tree to appease my dream of a white Christmas. 

Green wreaths weren't going to work with our white tree, so bring on the silver spray paint. I also cheated a little and used plastic balls instead of glass. I made a wreath entirely out of glass balls one year, but trying to store it was a nightmare and it didn't survive until the next Christmas. Maybe one day when the kids are older we can go back to glass. For now, I'll be satisfied with "shatterproof."

The stockings are also packed away, so I'm working on new ones. I have the basic stocking made, but I'm not sure if I will have time to do all the beading and embellishment that I want. I'm learning that six heavily embellished stockings are a lot to make with everything else in December. I still have quite the list, so it's time to go back to work.