I'm finally able to post again. My wonderful husband set up the computer so I can get the pictures off my camera. I'm still not able to crop or edit the photos, but at least I can get to them.
This is a quilt that finished earlier in the summer. My husband titled it "Late Summer Night." I did it a little backwards. I began with white fabric, I quilted the little circles. I then painted it with watered down Lumiere fabric paints. I just let the paint run down the fabric. I added the wire swirls as abstract bouquets. The beading along the top represents the stars. The border is made of fabric paper with little felt squares and beadssewn together with copper thread. I used copper tape for the binding around the edge.
Overall I love the colors and all the different materials used.
I would never have guessed that this had once been white fabric. I adore the copper binding!
Great job!
Nicki I just love this quilt - seeing it has given me hope that my latest idea of making my first quiltie can be achieved. Please email me your address so I can send you one of the rust coloured paper postcards on my blog Anna Nowicki
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